DE-Nexus research report

DECaDE's latest report from the Digital Economy Next Stage Symposium (DE-Nexus) highlights future research opportunities within the digital economy field.

The event which took place on 10th June 2024, brought together six EPSRC funded Next Stage Digital Economy Centres to showcase outputs and impacts of socio-technical research in the UK and was attended by industry, academics and UKRI representatives. Each of the centres have a focus on harnessing digital technologies for our economy, our communities, our cultural lives, and our health and wellbeing which has led to impact on policy, patents, publications in the UK.

The report highlighted the importance of combining research into emerging technologies with human insight.  The lived experience of technology use and human-centred foresight around its potential applications was thoroughly underlined, and a variety of highly promising research opportunities within the fields of AI, Trust and Transparency, Creative and Cultural Economies, Digital Health and Well-being, New Perspectives on Data and Radical Computing were detailed through the activity of the symposium.

Read the report here:

DECaDE’s strong co-creation and engagement with Industry, with a particular focus on real-world problems was demonstrated by DECaDE’s director, Professor John Collomosse who presented the centre’s key outputs from its first three years.

John summarised how decentralised platforms could transform our future digital economy and highlighted our research in Media Tokenisation and blockchain systems in supply chain and our work to support and influence Government work in this area.

View his presentation.

View the highlights of the day here:

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