Dr Birgit Altrichter presenting work on creative media content trading at CADE conference 2022 held at Venice. Her work is related to DECaDE project dedicated to create a content trading platform for digital media. You can get to know more about her work in this video, where she discusses the challenges and the issues related to digital content trading.
Dr Ashley Fraser, presenting a paper on ‘On the role of blockchain for self-sovereign identity’. Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is a model for digital identity in which users control their identity. Users are issued with credentials and can use such credentials to construct verifiable proofs of identity to a third party. Typically, blockchain technologies are leveraged to implement a verifiable data registry, which is a constituent part of the SSI architecture. It is often suggested that blockchain enables the decentralised and trusted ecosystem required for an SSI system. In her research, she evaluates whether blockchain can provide the necessary decentralisation and trust. The argument presented was, blockchain has the potential to enable this ecosystem, but this is dependent on the type of blockchain used to implement an SSI system. Moreover, with respect to trust, her work argues that blockchain alone is not sufficient and must be accompanied with other mechanisms to provide a trusted ecosystem for SSI systems.